Sunday December 17th

Good afternoon all, Marriage is one of the key foundational relationships that God has created and given to us, it’s a gift. It’s a place of covenant before the Lord in commitment, companionship, and love between a husband and a wife. Genesis 2:21–24 (ESV) — 21 So the...

Sunday December 10th

Hello all, One of the many beautiful aspects of Jesus Christ is the peace that the gospel brings. In a world that is deeply marked by turmoil and unrest, Jesus speaks peace into our lives. As we submit ourselves to His Lordship over our lives and rest in His good...

Sunday December 3rd

Good afternoon all, Comfort and hope in the midst of the trials of life is a powerful thing. Sometimes life in this broken world comes up upon us like a tidal surge breaking its banks. One layer of challenge upon another just seems to keep rising higher and higher...

Sunday November 26th

Hello all, The ability to bear children or adopt children in marriage and raise a family is a blessing, privilege, and awesome responsibility. Unfortunately not all can do this due to the brokenness of our world and the mystery of God’s providence over our lives. But...

Sunday November 19th

Hello all, The very first relationship that God created between Adam and Eve is a marriage relationship. Marriage is a beautiful gift that God gives to His creation to bring honour and glory to Him. Genesis 2:24 (ESV) — 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and...