Hello all,

The very first relationship that God created between Adam and Eve is a marriage relationship. Marriage is a beautiful gift that God gives to His creation to bring honour and glory to Him.

Genesis 2:24 (ESV) — 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

God has instituted that one man and one woman come together in covenant union to form a marriage. Marriage is a foundational relationship to building healthy communities when we are submitted to the Lord’s will for our lives. It’s in this foundational relationship that we have a great opportunity to show the love of Christ to each other and as a witness to the community around us.

Exchange Church this weekend:

  • ECY – EC Youth Friday 7:00pm at the church.
  • EC Sunday gathering 10:00am

This week we keep tracking through Gospel Shaped Relationships – Marriage.

Please read through Ephesians 5 to zone us in for Sunday.

This week again we’ll be using Slido for Question and Answer after the sermon about Gospel Marriage, click here to ask your questions.

In Christ,